Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ingat..Babi,anjing,bukan haiwan hina!

Assalamu’alaikum semua. Iman, taqwa, apa khabar? Harap-harapnya sihat segar belaka =)

Di sini ada 2 artikel tentang hukum khinzir yang ingin saya kongsi dengan kalian. Diingatkan, artikel ini bukan untuk menjadi bahan debat, diulangi…bukan untuk debat!(baca : bergaduh. Kalau nak bincang secara berhikmah apa salahnya..) Bukan juga untuk menyesatkan, memesong akidah lagi ler bukan…

Cuma..untuk kita semua sedar, Islam ni jauh lebih luas dari apa yang kita sangka. Orang Islam, bukan hanya melayu Malaysia je. Banyak lagi kat serata ceruk Bumi…Kita semua, dengan izin Allah, bakal melangkah lebih jauh, bukan? Akan berdepan dengan pelbagai masyarakat, budaya, manusia. Katakanlah bila dah melangkah jauh tu, kita terjumpa saudara seagama, tapi..”amalannya nape pelik sangat? Yang perempuan solat nampak kaki, dukung anak pulak tu. Kat rumah bela anjing. Haisy..ajaran sesat ke diorang ni..”

Moga-moga, bila terjumpa saudara-saudara se-Islam yang lain benar amalannya, kita ingat dan sedar bahawa

Thursday, January 21, 2010

open our eyes, our hearts and minds

just something to share (^_^)

Look around yourselves
Can't you see this wonder
Spreaded in front of you
The clouds floating by
The sky is clear and blue
Planets in their orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony

Lets start questioning ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside


We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day
Keep us close to you
Until the end of time

Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you're feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?

Lets start questioning ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside


Repeat chorus

When a baby's born
So helpless and weak
And you're watching him growing
So why deny what's in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life

Repeat chorus

You created everything
We belong to you
YA RAB we raise our hands
Forever we thank you


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

layang-layang melayang


Layang-layang itu kalau terputus daripada tali pemegangnya,
Atau diputuskan oleh yang memegang tali,
Makin besar layang-layang itu
Dan semakin tinggi dia naik
Jatuhnya bertambah teruk dan parah.

Begitulah manusia.
makin besar dan tinggi kedudukannya
Apabila dia memutuskan dirinya dengan Tuhan
Atau Tuhannya memutuskan hubungan dengan dirinya
Kejatuhan dan kehinaannya
Lebih parah lagi
Justeru itu Tuhan adalah satu keperluan.

(source: internet)


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

~betulkah saya bersyukur?~


Kali ni saya nak tulis pasal sikap saya (dan mungkin juga sikap anda =p) yang kita sendiri buat tapi lupa..
sikap mensyukuri nikmat ALLAH..

Ok, kita mmg selalu dikurniakan dgn segala macam nikmat DIA kan?

kita sedar tak?
"eh, mestilah sedaq..takkan la tak nampak.ni ha, kaki tgn mulut muka, bukan ni nikmat ALLAH ka?"

kita mensyukuri tak?
"eh, apa ni tanya soalan yg ada jawapan.mestilah mensyukuri..sgt2 mensyukuri.tak tergambar rasa syukur tu..lautan china selatan pun tak dpt melambangkan luasnya rasa syukurku pada ALLAH.."

macammana kita gunakan nikmat tu sbg tanda syukur?

Ya, ini adalah dialog sebenar antara jasad dan hati saya..
kononnya mensyukuri tapi apa yg saya buat utk menzahirkan rasa syukur tu??
nikmat mata, digunakan utk lihat benda yg tak berfaedah..
nikmat mulut, digunakan utk bergosip..
nikmat kaki, digunakan utk ke tmpt yg melalaikan..
nikmat sihat, digunakan utk mensia-siakan masa lapang..
nikmat masa lapang, digunakan utk berfoya-foya..
nikmat lulus exam, digunakan dgn enjoy-enjoy la dulu sebelum masuk sem baru..
nikmat beribu bapa, digunakan utk menyakiti hati mereka..
nikmat ada sahabat, digunakan utk mengajak sahabat bersama-sama berlagha..
nikmat yg paling terbesar ni pulak bukan saja digunakan sikit-sikit tapi kadang-kadang langsung tak digunakan iaitu nikmat IMAN!

Percaya atau tidak, nikmat ni SEMUA hanya akan kita hargai dan benar-benar kita syukuri bila kita kehilangannya..
tak percaya??
tunggu la sampai nikmat tu HILANG!

Moga kita cepat sedar sebelum nikmat HILANG!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Rasa terpanggil

Saya rasa terpanggil untuk turut membantu dalam usaha menghebahkan beberapa majlis ilmu yang telah diuar-uarkan oleh beberapa orang sahabat dalam MSoc yahoogroup di sini. Antaranya ialah:

1. Kelas Bahasa Arab di Universiti Malaya anjuran Al Bayan Corp Sdn Bhd -

  • tarikh tutup pendaftaran ialah

Sunday, January 17, 2010

More updates..!

salam all.

we're happy to announce that links to download As-Shifa' (the MSOC magazine) have just recently been added to the blog.

and there is also a link to an online Quran tafsir. (credits to hakim fr the brilliant idea).

scroll down people. scroll down til you find it. oh oh. and keep and eye on the right side of the screen.

and we have more authors like chinchilla and amna (thankyou fr the wonderful articles. may Allah bless the both of you) and TWO links (well two's better than one. aha!) karim's blog and newly added hakim's. Thankyou so much for sharing 'em with us :)

and we're still recruiting authors.
more authors. yes, we're greedy for authors and articles and knowledge. cant help it. heh :P

enjoy reading! (^_^)

mana satu?


anda masih ingat apa itu kata nama dan kata kerja?
baiklah, mari sini amna jelaskan secara ringkas.

kata kerja : kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu perbuatan.
kata nama : kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan nama sesuatu benda

well said.
amna tahu lah yang kita semua dah lama tinggalkan bangku sekolah, tapi amna yakin semua orang masih ingat apa itu kata nama dan kata kerja. inyaAllah.

sekarang, amna utarakan dua ayat ringkas., berserta dengan maksudnya.
  • saya makan : kata kerja yg menunjukkan kita makan.
  • saya Makan : kata nama yg menunjukkan "nama saya Makan."

anda dapat lihat apa beza antara pernyataan pertama dan kedua?

yang pertama itu, menunjukkan perbuatan makan.
yang keduanya pula, menunjukkan nama orang itu Makan.

pandai. :)

hm.. apalah yang ingin amna kongsikan sebenarnya ni? hehe.
sabar sabar.
seperti di atas, amna utarakan dua lagi ayat ringkas.okey, here goes...

  • saya islam : kata kerja yg menunjukkan kita melakukan segala yg disuruh dlm islam, dan meninggalkan segala yg dilarang.
  • saya Islam : kata nama yg menunjukkan kita islam hanya pada nama.

na. sekarang anda sudah tangkap apa mesejnya?
kalau masih tak dapat, ulang dan fikir

persoalan besar yang ingin amna kongsikan adalah,
pada kelompak mana, amna, dan anda semua berada.?

i kecil, atau I besar?

tepuk dada, tanya amalan.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Together we learn about each other~

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh~

A post dedicated for myself and every Muslim~

Have we ever asked ourselves why we are a Muslim?

Or have we ever been prompted by anyone with the same question before?

Just ask ourselves, "Am I one who truly believe in Islam, hence choose to be a Muslim or am I just a Muslim because I am born as one?”

Why do we think that Islam is the true way of life whereas other religions are not? Have we ever tried to learn about other religion before or do we simply assume that others pray to statues and that is the reason why they are wrong?

Try to find some info about other religions from our non-Muslim friends and we would somehow realised that we have totally misunderstood their beliefs. Some of them are actually, really searching for their Purpose of Life and the True Lord but what they believe at present is the best and the most logical idea that they have ever been thought and exposed on.

Talk to them further and try to ask them what they know about Islam and we would be even more surprised to realise that there are a lot of misconceptions about Islam in their minds. Some label Muslims as TERRORISTS, some understand Islam as a religion that provides LESS or even worse NO RIGHTS FOR WOMEN, some only relate Islam with CIRCUMCISSION and some only know that Islam is all about ‘NO ALCOHOL and NO PORK' are allowed to be consumed’, which they think is ridiculous. They know a bit here and ther about Islam, some are true and some are not and everything are just not glued together.

Friends, are these not viruses that might silently build up hatred between Muslims and people of other religion? Who is to be blamed about

Monday, January 11, 2010

what you can do for the blog


helloo evryone.
someone asked me, "what can i do fr the blog?"

hmm. i'll put this in the easiest, simplest way i cn think of.

you can either:
1) read the blog
2) be one of our authors. we're currently recruiting new members! you dont necessarily hv to write a long article of ur own, you may share articles you find interesting, or even just a sentence of very meaningful quote. anything as long as its not illegal. we dont wish to go to jail, seriously. :)
3) share us a link to your own blog
4) share us links (url) to your favourite blogs
5) share pictures
6) chat in the little chatbox
7) comment on any of the post
8) rate the blog. give us suggestions. help us by telling us what you want to make the blog more interesting

i know. question is, how?

send us ur e-mail address (so we can invite you to join us) at:

or simply post a comment under this post.

tq. have a nice day! :))

Friday, January 1, 2010

Presenting: The Muslim Society (MSOC) of International Medical University’s Blog


Finally, after many many months of construction, rebuilding, editing, abandoning, adding, shifting and throwing off this and that, the blog is back. For big fans of the blog, this must surely be good news to all of you.

But for those who do not know of this blog, a simple answer to the question in your mind is – yes, the blog exists. (^_^)

Surely by now you’ve noticed several obvious changes made to the new blog. The greetings, the asma’ul husna, the Islamic calendar, the digital clock, even some words of wisdom for the day.

However, this new edition of msocimu.blogspot.com not only comes with a new look, but also with a defined new motive. From now on, the blog readily serves as a communication medium for all Muslim students of IMU. Here, we encourage students from various different batches to interact with each other by sharing as much knowledge, experiences, thoughts and opinions as possible.

To make it easier for everyone, the blog is separated into a number of LABELS (categories). You are most welcomed to contribute in either which that best suits your time and preferences:

1. General Announcements

You can post any important announcements here, be it a message, or an upcoming activity, or a talk, or just about anything you wish to inform everyone else.
(Birthday wishes are not really encouraged though, because if that’s the case then we’ll have hundreds of ‘important announcements’ throughout the whole year. heh).

2. Articles

Have flair in writing? Why not join us by sharing with us one of your amazing pieces. Remember, it doesn’t have to be lengthy, or formal, and there aren’t any specific topics. You have absolute freedom in whatever you wish to write. As long as the article benefits others, it will nevertheless be very much worth reading. However, writings that are considered inappropriate will be deleted by moderators of the blog.

3. Seniors’ Advices (IMU Bukit Jalil)

Seniors: “I’ve finished exams!! I feel like telling the whole world!! “

Juniors: “Oh god. Exams. Oh no.”

Ok, here’s the thing. Seniors, write whatever you wish to tell the hopeful juniors when it’s still fresh in your mind. Tips for exams, careless but common mistakes not to be repeated, important details to be memorised, you can write them all here. (Dont wait for them to ask, most of the time, they don’t know what to ask)

And juniors, this is your chance, ask whatever you want to ask – Summatives, OSPE, OSCE, EOS, CSU, notes - before it’s too late.

InsyaAllah, the more you give, the more you get (^_^)

4. Seniors’ Advices (PMS)

At some point of time, we wonder, what’s next after IMU? But there’s no one to ask. Here, we humbly ask for assistance, advices or some sharing of experiencing from seniors who’re studying abroad in Partner Medical Schools. Any piece of information is utterly valuable and very much appreciated. Since we haven’t been able to contact most of the seniors from the upper batches, the honour goes to seniors from medt107 and m207 who are scheduled to further their studies abroad this year. We would also ask for you to spread the word to any of the seniors from the upper batches to help participate and become an author for this category of the blog. As a representative of MSOC, I’d thank you in advance for your kind help.

5. Seniors’ Advices (IMU Seremban)

Please read no.4. However, this category is specifically reserved for seniors in IMU Seremban. We look forward for their kind cooperation too.

6. Photos

A category for photographers, people with cameras or even just picture lovers. However, there are some rules to be followed:
  • Photos of activities must have at least 4 members of the society
  • Photos of nature, scenery, etc are allowed.
  • Inappropriate photos will be deleted by moderators of the blog
7. Question and Answers

If you have a random question to ask about Islam, please post it under this label.

8. Comments and Suggestions

We welcome any comments and suggestions to help us improve the blog, or even anything regarding the Muslim Society.


To become an author for any of the labels above (including “Questions&Answers” and “Comments and Suggestions”), you’ll simply have to post a comment to this post, stating your e-mail address.

(Click ‘0 comments’ below then ‘Post a comment’. Then type in your e-mail address).

or if you wish to remain anonymous, e-mail us at msoc_imu@yahoo.com.

Once you’re added into our list of authors by the moderators of the blog, you’re free to write a post for the blog.

With that, I on behalf of the muslim society would invite you to join us and please help us spread the word

facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, msn messenger, skype etc tell everyone you know about:

The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.
Help yourself by helping others.

p/s: details on how to 'label' your posts will be explained soon.

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