Saturday, July 31, 2010

She Studied Using The Light From Her HP

Gaza – Ma'an – Gaza's top Tawjihi student felt like she broke the siege against her with determination and the light from her mobile phone, she told Ma'an the day she received the news of her success.

Asma Amin Tubasi from Rafah remembers her father telling her to stop studying using the old oil lamp after a series of accidents in the Gaza Strip saw children injured and homes burned due to unsafe fuel smuggled in from Egypt.

"She would study 18 hours a day, and she has made me so proud today, scoring 99.4 on the literary stream of the Tawjihi, the highest score in all of Gaza," her father said.

From September to January, Asma's family had an average of 2-8 hours of blackouts each day, but in January, when the Palestinian Authority took over fuel transfers to Gaza from the EU, a shortage of funds and fuel lead to blackouts of 8-12 hours day.

"These power cuts exacerbate the already difficult living conditions in Gaza and disrupt almost all aspects of daily life, including household chores, health services, education and water and sanitation services," a special UN report on the electricity crisis in Gaza reported in May.
"I was just hoping for a better ending," Asma said, explaining that when the oil lamp was no longer an option she would use the light on her phone.

Her father, who works for the Ministry of Waqf (religious endowments) in Gaza, said he worried she would damage her eyes reading in such low light, with rolling power cuts spreading darkness over the Gaza Strip by 10 in the evening.

Her achievement is all the more impressive given the troubles plaguing the education system in Gaza. Statistics from the UN have shown that attendance and performance in public schools have declined as a result of aging education infrastructure, overcrowding, and frequent disruptions caused by military operations.

In the first semester of the 2007-2008 school year, only 20% of 16,000 sixth graders in Gaza passed standardized exams in Math, Science, English and Arabic, a study by Gaza's Ministry of Education found.

When Asma saw the result of the exams for which she had spent the year preparing, "I screamed, I cried, I laughed, I could not believe I had done it," she explained.

"She is a dedicated girl, she read all the time amidst a very difficult situation," her father explained, adding that he believed she was so determined to succeed because she wanted "a better future for herself, and a better future for Gaza."

This news was taken from Ma'an News Agency and it was published last Friday, 23rd July 2010.

She's just a girl, hunger for knowledge and education. And she did everything under her means just to study, even choosing to study using the light from her mobile phones when the electrical supply in Gaza was cut.

We have air-conditioners everywhere in the campus, electricity at our disposal, and a peaceful country (insyaAllah)to begin with, what more excuses can we give?

She knows that in any second from now, she might just be killed by the Zionists.
She knows that by walking out of her house to school, she's putting her own life in jeopardy, as Israel planes constantly made a "tour" up in the sky.
But still, she stay put and fought for her future.

And she was the BEST TAWJIHI STUDENT in Gaza.

Where are we when compared to her?

This post serves just as a reminder, for us to be grateful of what we have around us.
And actually, there really are lots of moral values we can pick from this story of a girl named Asma. It's up to us to see them or not. =)

-Because life is a test-

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Short One

Know you (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is the similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the heart of) the tillers; soon it withers; you will see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong).  And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of God). And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception?                                                                     (57:20)
Last Friday I was in Kuala Kangsar, Perak visiting my foster parents and the alma mater, MCKK for an academic talk with the Form Three students. But that is not what this post is about. It was the Friday preach that caught my attention, and it is highlighted here because err.. I hardly not sleep for it every Friday because well, like many other people too, I believe, it is difficult to stay awake and give attention in the middle of the day, which most likely to be very hot, and after a full-on morning with works and studies, leaving most of the Adam’s species exhausted- unless it is interesting on both the substance and speaker. Again, it is not an excuse. It is a description of human nature, that’s all. Nevertheless, ok, let’s go straight to the point now or Chieko will delete my post =P
Friday it is. A day that starts with letter ‘F.’ The preach by the ustaz (or Imam) touched on 5Fs that are used as formula by the Jewish Zionists in their protocol, to conquer the world. Sounds like an overstatement here, but oh, it is not a prediction, it is already happening. Yes, my friends, it is. They are conquering the world! But only those with an ‘extra’ eye will be able to see or feel it. And ok, cutting this short, the five Fs are Family, Fashion, Fun, Film and Food. Ya beda bedu... Sounds familiar? All the five things mentioned are inseparable with modern life nowadays. Forgive me, I am not going to explain on each of them because that would consume a lot of space, and time, be it of mine (to type) or even yours (to read). But the real reason is this, number one, because I cannot remember all, and number two, because this is the approach I usually use in my writings. I provide the essence, with a hope that it gives a little bit of an insight, if not motivation, for all of us, to do the rest of searching, and more importantly, truth seeking. Good luck!!
As a conclusion (hehe don’t give an F to this essay please), the fun, food, family, film and fashion that we care about today are being used as medium to mislead us from the correct teaching of Islam. The only way to get away from it, or prevent it, is to seek knowledge and ask for His Protection and Guidance, Allah the Almighty God. You know what will make a difference? Avoiding ignorance, and stay awake! Thank you.
The same post is put up here.
Take care and may Allah bless us all.
Remember how the Unbeleivers plotted against you, to keep you in bonds, or slay you, or get you out (of your home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.

Friday, July 9, 2010

maka lemaslah ia....

Ada satu cerita menarik penuh pengajaran. jom baca :)

"Seorang lelaki tua tinggal di satu kawasan pedalaman yang sering dilanda banjir. Pada suatu hari, banjir melanda secara tetiba dan air naik dengan sangat laju. Jiran terdekat lelaki tua itu berlari ke rumah lelaki tersebut lalu menasihatinya agar berpindah cepat ke tempat yang selamat.tetapi dia berkata, 'Aku berdoa kepada Tuhan agar aku diselamatkan, maka aku akan diselamatkan oleh Allah sendiri....Saudara boleh pergi...'

Setelah sejam, paras air terus meningkat sehingga orang tua itu terpaksa naik ke bumbung untuk menyelamatkan diri. Sekali lagi, seorang penyelamat datang dengan sebuah bot lalu memujuknya untuk naik dan berpindah ke tempat yang selamat. Namun, lelaki tersebut hanya melemparkan suatu senyuman lalu berkata jawapan yang sama.

Memandangkan paras air terus meningkat, maka mati la lelaki itu akibat kelemasan. Setelah mati, lelaki itu bertanya kepada Tuhan mengapa Dia tidak menyelamatkannya. Maka Dia menjawab dengan satu jawapan yang cukup ringkas, tetapi bukannya semua manusia pernah terfikir,

' AKU telah menghantar orang untuk memujukmu agar menyelamatkan dirimu, AKU telah tunjukkan jalan yang benar kepadamu dan AKU menberitahumu akibatnya melalui mulut-mulut utusan-utusanKU. Namun, pernahkah kau memikirkan bahawa AKU telah menghantarmu hikmah-hikmahKU?"

Lelaki itu sedari kesilapan dan kejahilannya, namun sudah terlewat.."

Kita? masih punya ruang, masih punya masa. Setiap masalah (baca: cabaran) yang dihadapi, biasanya ada diilhamkan jalan keluarnya. Cuma kita yang perlu 'bergerak'! Lakukan sesuatu. Perlu berkorban. Bukan hanya mengharap pada keajaiban semata-mata, tanpa usaha.

Islam..semestinya bukan untuk mereka yg hanya berangan-angan...

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