Sunday, November 14, 2010

Doaku Untukmu~


Hai kawan-kawan! Saya suka cerita ni. Jadi saya nak share dengan kawan-kawan. Baca ye,jangan tak baca! =)

Once upon a time....

Ahmad dan Ali ialah dua orang sahabat karib dan mereka tinggal berjiran. Kedua-dua mereka hidup dalam kesempitan dan kemiskinan. Setelah seharian berusaha, masing-masing akan berdoa.

"Apa doamu pada hari ini?" tanya Ahmad kepada sahabatnya.

"Aku pinta semoga esok hari aku dimurahkan rezeki. Bulan ini perbelanjaanku lebih daripada biasa," jawab Ali.

"Doa kau?" Ali pula bertanya.

Ahmad cuma senyum tanpa berkata apa-apa.

Keesokan hari, Ali memberitahu Ahmad berita gembira. "Alhamdulillah doa aku semalam dimakbulkan Allah. Majikanku beri bonus pada hari ini."

"Alhamdulillah. Hari ini kau akan berdoa apa pula?" tanya Ahmad.

"Aku berdoa semoga isteriku selamat bersalin," jawab Ali.

Mereka berdua pun masuk ke dalam masjid, mengerjakan solat dan masing-masing berdoa.

Sejurus usai berdoa, Ali bertanya, "Kau pula berdoa untuk apa hari ini?"

Ahmad senyum. Masih tiada jawapan.

Beberapa hari kemudian, Ali memberitahu berita gembira. "Syukur isteriku selamat bersalin malam tadi. Nampaknya doaku makbul, Mad."

"Tahniah, Ali."

"Aku berdoa juga agar anakku selamat," kata Ahmad dengan wajah muram.

"Kenapa dengan anak kau?"

"Anakku yang bongsu sakit, Ali. Keadaannya amat membimbangkan."

"InsyaAllah, kau doalah kuat-kuat sikit. Minta anakmu selamat," kata Ali.

Beberapa hari kemudian, mereka berbual usai solat seperti kebiasannya.

"Bagaimana dengan anak kau?" tanya Ali.

"Macam itu juga. Sudah beberapa hari tapi keadaanya cuma bertambah baik sikit sahaja."

"Doa banyak lagi Ahmad. Aku tidak sangka doaku sangat makbul. Hampir setiap doa yang aku doakan mustajab. Tapi kau...." kata Ali.

"Kenapa dengan aku?"

"Mad, aku lihat doamu tidak mustajab."

Ahmad tersenyum.

Melihat Ahmad tersenyum, Ali semakin hairan lalu bertanya lagi, "Aku hairan, doa kau tidak makbul tapi kau masih boleh senyum?"

"Sebenarnya doaku telah banyak dimakbulkan Allah. Syukur alhamdulillah."

"Doa yang mana? Sebab aku tidak lihat apa-apa perubahan pada kau."

"Doaku sejak dulu hanya untuk kau, sahabatku. Setiap hari aku berdoa agar Allah makbulkan setiap apa yang kau doakan kepadaNya."

The End

Nah, indahnya peribadi Ahmad kan? Mengasihi sahabatnya seperti dia mengasihi dirinya. Bagaimana pula dengan kita? Doa kita untuk sahabat-sahabat, saudara-mara dan orang lain sangat tinggi nilainya di sisi Allah SWT. Sayangnya manusia selalu mementingkan diri, hatta dalam doanya kepada Allah.

Jadilah seperti Ahmad, juga seperti golongan Ansar yang Allah ceritakan kepada kita dalam surah Al-Hasyr,59, ayat 9 :

"Dan orang (Ansar) yang telah menempati kota Madinah dan telah beriman sebelum (kedatangan) mereka (Muhajirin), mereka mencintai orang yang berhijrah ke tempat mereka. Dan mereka tidak menaruh keinginan dalam hati mereka terhadap apa yang diberikan kepada mereka (Muhajirin), dan mereka mengutamakan (Muhajirin), atas dirinya sendiri, meskipun mereka juga memerlukan. Dan siapa yang dijadikan diripnya daripada kekikiran, maka mereka itulah orang yang beruntung." 

SubhanAllah, jauh sekali nak dibandingkan dengan diri ini yang selalu berlengah-lengah tatkala ibu ayah minta bantuan, jarang bertanya khabar apatah lagi memikirkan keadaan sanak saudara, berkira-kira dengan sahabat-handai hatta dalam perkara yang remeh-temeh...

Ya Rabb,Kau jadikan kuatkan kami untuk mencontohi golongan Ansar~

(Artikel diambil daripada majalah Solusi, Isu No. 22, terbitan Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd. dengan sedikit ulasan tambahan daripada cik chinchilla ;P)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A very special prayer

Maaf kerana terlalu lama menyepi.
Sekadar berkongsi satu artikel (terbaca di sini) yang sangat menyentuh hati saya, moga ia juga dapat menyentuh hati kalian, seterusnya dapat diamalkan secara istiqomah =)

A very special prayer, guess what?

Saya yakin kalian juga selalu mengamalkan doa ini, cuma mungkin kita terlupa untuk menghayatinya. 
Mungkin sahaja ada antara kita yang meninggalkannya begitu sahaja kerana hukum bacaannya hanya sunat, tak termasuk dalam rukun,
Naudzubillah, moga selepas membaca entry ini, kita tak lagi termasuk dalam golongan itu...
Sebab apa?

Simply because the du'a is very simple, yet it could be very special when you really mean it and we shouldn't just leave ourself to miss asking from Allah, very special requests that other people ask right? 

Tak lain dan tak bukan, doa yang lazimnya dilafazkan sebanyak 17 kali sehari semalam (sekurang-kurangnya), bacaan antara dua sujud...perasan tak bacaan tu doa? (oops,macam baru perasankan?)

Okay, mari kita mulakan...

Dengan rendah hati nyatakanlah permohonan ampun kepada Allah,
Allahummaghfirli (Ya Allah, ampunilah aku).
Diamlah sejenak, buka dada dan diri kita untuk menerima ampunan daripada Allah.
Tetaplah membuka diri kita untuk menerima ampunan Allah.
Ulanglah permintaan itu beberapa kali hingga kita merasakan ketenangan.

Kemudian sampaikanlah permintaan kedua,
Warhamni (dan belas kasihanilah aku).
Diam dan tundukkanlah diri kita untuk menerima belas kasihan Allah yang tak terhitung nilainya.
Bukalah dada kita seluas-luasnya agar semakin banyak belas kasihan Allah yang kita terima. 
Ulanglah beberapa kali hingga kita merasa cukup.

Berturut-turut sampaikanlah permintaan-permintaan berikut dengan cara yang serupa, satu persatu.

Warfa'nii (dan angkatlah darjatku).

Wajburnii (dan cukupkanlah segala kekuranganku),

Warzuqnii (dan berikanlah rezeki kepadaku),

Wahdinii (dan berikanlah aku petunjuk).

Wa'aafinii (dan sejahterakanlah aku),

Wa'fuannii (dan berikanlah kemaafan kepadaku).

Setelah selesai, diamlah sejenak lalu sampaikan rasa syukur kita betapa besarnya nilai doa ini, sebuah doa yang selama ini hanya kita remehkan begitu sahaja.

Diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Abbas r.a., maksudnya:
"Ya Allah! Ampunilah dosaku, dan belas kasihanilah aku, dan angkatlah darjatku, dan cukupkanlah segala kekuranganku, dan berikanlah rezeki kepadaku, dan berikanlah aku petunjuk, dan sejahterakanlah aku dan berilah keampunan kepadaku."
(Riwayat al-Tirmizi, no 284 dan Abu Daud, no 850, Al-Hakim dan Albani menganggapnya sahih dan dipersetujui oleh al-Zahabi)
*rujukan : Formula Solat Sempurna, Ust. Zaharyddin Abd. Rahman 

SubhanAllah, indah nian du'a yang Rasulullah ajarkan, bertambah significant apabila diselitkan dalam solat kita seharian...

Amacam? feeling kan? (^_^)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Letter to AAD

The Head of
Academic Affairs Department (AAD)
International Medical University (IMU)                         14 September 2010

Dear Sir/ Madam,


The above matter is referred.

2. As Hari Raya started on Friday, 10 September 2010 this year, a number of students had to go through some inconvenience regarding their holiday because there were still classes on Thursday, 9 September 2010, the day before Hari Raya Holiday. It was uncalled for on their part and also that of lecturers as some classes were not only compulsory but also important for the students, i.e Clinical Skill Unit (CSU) for batch ME109, to name one.

3. The implications were quite obvious and apart from students’ absence from the lectures, some that may be able to attend may have not coped well with what was taught that day on the eve of a big celebration especially for Muslim students. One of the reasons for the absence, was because some students have to travel far back home such as to Sabah and Sarawak and 24 hours is just not enough even for a one-way trip. Nevertheless, I am writing this letter not only representing the Muslim students but all others and we hope that in the future, the day before such an event would always be designated as a holiday, be it Hari Raya, or even Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas, to name a few.

4. We strongly believe that your department is always aware of this situation and it’s not a surprise if this matter has been brought to your department earlier by some other parties. If that is the case, I hope you would treat this letter just as a formality as we are a society that feels obligated to always bring up matters regarding students’ welfare to relevant authorities. We hope that you would take the matter aforementioned into consideration and let not the same thing happen again in the future.

5. It is much appreciated if you could respond to this letter and we thank you very much before hands for your time and consideration.

Yours Truly,

IMU Muslim Society (MSOC)

Monday, August 23, 2010



Hye everyone, after a whole one week of struggle, tweaking, searching, planning, editing and typing, we finally make it towards the establishment of the new blog!

Here is the address:

Please enjoy and keep yourself up to date and also please join us at MSOC Facebook!

Thank you and may Allah bless us.

Ameen~ ;-)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Genocide - The Destruction of An Identity

Taken from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's blog.

1. There is something strange about the behaviour of Israel towards Gaza. Arrogance is of course a part of the Israeli character but beyond that they seem to have a long term plan. On the excuse that rockets had been fired at Israel from Gaza, Israel invaded that strip of Palestinian land, killing 1,400 Gazans, wounding many more and razing to the ground 20,000 homes, over 100 schools, hospitals and other Government buildings.

2. International pressure apparently forced Israel to stop the carnage and to withdraw from Gaza. A kind of peace appeared to have been established and numerous countries pledged billions to rebuild Gaza. After that, news about Gaza ceased to appear in the media and the assumption was that the pledges of aid were being honoured and rebuilding was in progress.

3. After months of silence in terms of media coverage, it was discovered that Israel had blocked aid material and aid workers from entering Gaza. Supported by Egypt, the border between that country and Gaza was closed. The crossing point at Rafah was guarded by Egyptian security personnel and only limited supplies were allowed to pass.

4. Then an NGO group called the Free Gaza Movement sent small boats to Gaza with supplies of food and medicine. Two or three boats got through but after that, of two other boats which tried, one was rammed by an Israeli naval ship, throwing the passengers and supplies into the sea. The other was boarded by Israeli commandos and forced to go to Ashdod port in Israel. The occupants were later released but nothing is known about what happened to the aid supplies.

5. It is clear that Israel with the support of Egypt was carrying out a siege of Gaza. Deprived of medical supplies and exposed in make-shift shelters to the harsh winters, many of the sick and wounded, the old and the small children died.

6. Hearing of the siege, the PGPO (Perdana Global Peace Organisation) of Malaysia suggested that a flotilla of passenger and cargo ships be sent to Gaza. In May 2010 the flotilla set sail but while the boats were still on the high seas, Israeli commandos attacked and killed nine Turkish aid workers on the Mavi Marmara, and injured many others.

7. The boats were forced by the Israeli warships to sail to Ashdod in Israel where the aid workers were detained but were subsequently allowed to make their way back to their own countries.

8. The boats remained at Ashdod. The Israelis reported that they themselves had sent the aid material to Gaza. How much of the material was sent is not known but certainly the Israelis found no weapons of any kind in the cargo carried by the boats. Otherwise they would have invited the world press to show these weapons as proof that the mercy workers were terrorists.

9. Since then Israel has threatened to regard any aid ship from Iran as warships and would attack them, while a Libyan ship with medicine and food is also threatened.

10. Why is Israel doing this? The ships never entered Israeli waters on the way to Gaza and there has been no evidence that weapons were carried. Nor were the people accompanying the cargo in any way connected with "terrorists". There were old women and babies among the people on the MV Mavi Marmara.

11. But it is not only Gaza that the Israelis have put under siege. All the territories that should be under the so-called Palestinian Authority have also been made inaccessible.

12. When I and my small entourage tried to go to Palestine to see the destroyed village of Jenin and to go to Jerusalem, Israelis manning the border between Jordan and Palestine delayed us for more than two hours and so prevented us from seeing Jenin or going to Jerusalem as we had to leave Palestine by 6.00pm. It seems that Israel does not want visitors to visit Palestine and see what the Israelis are doing to Palestinian land.

13. As is well known, Israeli settlements have been built all over Palestinian territory. In addition roads were built which the Palestinians were not allowed to use. A high wall has been built not to separate Israel from Palestine but to break up the villages of the Palestinians.

14. The Palestinian Authority is an anomaly. The UN in 1948 had divided Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs to create two states - Israel for the Jews and Palestine for the Palestinian Arabs. The Arabs were hounded out of Israeli territory through threats of massacre as happened in Deir Yassin.

15. There should therefore be two states on Palestinian land - Israel and Palestine. But after the 6-day war launched by Israel supposedly because it feared attacks by Arab States, much of the Palestinian territory, including Gaza and the West Bank were occupied by Israel.

16. Even then after the attacks were stopped there should still be a state of Palestine on the parts not occupied by Israel. Somehow or other the state of Palestine ceased to exist. Instead there was created the Palestinian Authority and the world seem to accept this as a fait accompli.

17. During World War II much of France was occupied by Germany but the state of France continued to exist having its capital in Vichy. There is no reason why the state of Palestine could not exist even if its territory is much diminished. But the fact is that there is now no Palestine but only a Palestinian Authority.

18. With this the state of Palestine ceased to exist. However, despite the many Jewish settlements built on the remaining Palestinian land, despite obvious evidence of Israeli rule over much of Palestine such as Israeli check-points and control of Palestinian borders together with roads through Palestinian land reserved for Israelis, the world still thinks that there is Palestine and Palestinian land.

19. Although there is a Palestinian Authority, it has in fact no authority over any Palestinian land at all. The Israelis are free to do what they like in places said to be under the Palestinian Authority. Even the collection of taxes are done by the Israelis. At one stage the Israelis refused to hand over the taxes they collected to the Palestinian Authority.

20. Democracy was promoted as a solution to the Palestinian issue after Fatah was persuaded to go along with U.S. plans for a peace solution. However when elections were held Fatah lost to Hamas. Despite all the beliefs in democracy, the U.S. supported Israel in not allowing Hamas to form the Government of Palestine. Instead Fatah was recognised as the Government.

21. Frustrated by U.S hypocrisy Hamas set up a government in Gaza. Even though the Hamas Government was denied jurisdiction over all Palestinian territories, there was no way to dislodge its rule in Gaza.

22. The implication is that whereas the Israelis can build settlements and rule the part of Palestine supposedly under the Palestinian Authority, it cannot do the same in Hamas controlled Gaza. Israel must therefore find other ways of bringing Gaza under its control via the Palestinian Authority.

23. The invasion of Gaza by Israel was therefore to be expected. But so brutal was the Israeli war of occupation of Gaza that the world was revolted by it and forced the war to be stopped. But the Israelis were not going to be so easily frustrated. Without regard for its peace undertakings and international law Israel immediately blockaded supplies and contacts with Gaza by the outside world.

24. The strategy appears to be to weaken the resolve and spirit of the Gazans, to render them so physically weak that the next time Israel invaded the strip the Gazans would be incapable of strong resistance. Eventually it would have to surrender. With this the Israelis would be able to build settlements and exercise authority over Gaza as it has done over the other parts of Palestine.

25. If there should be a negotiation for a two-state solution, it is unthinkable that the Israelis would vacate their settlements or subject themselves to rule by a Palestinian state. They would physically be under Israeli rule and de facto if not de jure be a part of Israel. The bits and pieces of the remaining Palestinian land would still be under Israel control. There would be no recognisable Palestinian state. In fact agreements notwithstanding, there would be only Israel occupying the whole of the land once known as Palestine. There would be no Palestinian identity. Palestine and its history would be lost.

26. This is a form of genocide. A whole people will have been made to disappear very much as if they have all been exterminated. The world will forget there even was a Palestine.

27. My fear is that while the world may forget, the Palestinians and their descendents will not. They will always remember. And remembering they will continue their struggle, probably in ways that the world may have to pay a heavy price for. We are seeing some of it now but what we will be seeing would render peace for the world meaningless.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ramadhan Returns

Assalamualaikum (may peace be upon you)

Hey hey!! It's Ramadhan again!! (though it's almost 10 days of fasting :)) A month full of blessings from Allah and opportunities for the muslims around the world.

Well, we can always expect different responses from everyone as people have varying targets to be achieved for this special month.Some will be very excited at the thought of gaining extra 'pahala', some would want to use this opportunity to lose weight while others might be frustrated that they can't play futsal in the evening (afraid of getting too tired).

But, what should be our actual aim? Hmm, I believe we can use one of the very popular verse in Surah Al-Baqarah (especially during Ramadhan) as reference.

"O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you As it was prescribed To those before you, That ye may (learn) Self-restraint-" (2:183)
*self-restraint is a translation of 'taqwa'

We had started fasting ever since we were as young as 7 or 8 years old, which means around 15 months of experiece ie a month per year (assuming you are 22 years old this year). Now, let us ask ourselves,

How have our fasting been? Have we been going through the same routine yearly since we were kids? Have we ever tried to improve it over these years or at least, even ponder on the objective of fasting?

Begin With the End in Mind

It is important to get our objective right, as the result will depend on it. Again, what defines right or wrong? For muslim, we have to always refer to the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. And as stated above, fasting is prescribes so that we may learn Self-restraint. I don't intend to elaborate on the meanings of this verse (tafseer) as I'm not an expert in that field, but still, from the translation itself, we can see what Allah Subhanu wa Taala wants us to achieve through fasting.

Continue reading here..


As a parting note,let us enjoy this nice song by dawud wharnsby ali :)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Download here

Download here

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak 1431 Hijriah/ Year 2010

Salam penuh hormat.

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memohon ampun dan maaf atas salah dan silap yang saya pernah lakukan kepada anda semua. Mungkin baiknya juga saya mewakili saudara-saudari MSOC, sama ada yang terdahulu mahupun yang sekarang untuk sama-sama memohon kemaafan dari hujung vista C ke hujung vista A, terus ke IMU dan Stadium Bukit Jalil, serta dari hujung rambut dan kuku juga.

Sesungguhnya marilah sama-sama kita saling memaafkan sempena bulan yang mulia dan penuh barakah ini, Allah pasti akan membalas dengan ganjaran yang setimpal yang tiada tolok bandingnya, dan semoga hidup kita sentiasa tenang dan baik selalu.

Ada sedikit cenderamata untuk kalian semua. Silalah muat turun poster di bawah ini dengan menekan pautan yang disediakan. Wallahua'lam.

Download here

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullah. (^_^)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Dear Students of IMU,
In conjuction with Ihya' Ramadhan,  The Muslim Society (MSOC) will be selling malay delicacies and pre-order food during the Holy Month.

**the dates stated are respective collection dates**
collection time will be at 5.00pm.

If you are interested, you may approach  your respective MSOC batch reps to make orders or, you may kindly contact Zaki 019-3433254 or Liyana 019-5736921 or Diana 013-6027205.

To avoid disappointment, it is advisable to make your orders three days in advance before the collection date. 

As Eid Mubarak will be approaching soon, MSOC  provide sales and delivery service for Hari Raya Greeting Cards.

Please feel free to visit our booth to purchase your cards and we will help you send to anyone within the IMU Bukit Jalil Community. If you wish only to purchase the cards, that will also be available.

Thank you for your time and RAMADHAN MUBARAK EVERYONE ! :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

She Studied Using The Light From Her HP

Gaza – Ma'an – Gaza's top Tawjihi student felt like she broke the siege against her with determination and the light from her mobile phone, she told Ma'an the day she received the news of her success.

Asma Amin Tubasi from Rafah remembers her father telling her to stop studying using the old oil lamp after a series of accidents in the Gaza Strip saw children injured and homes burned due to unsafe fuel smuggled in from Egypt.

"She would study 18 hours a day, and she has made me so proud today, scoring 99.4 on the literary stream of the Tawjihi, the highest score in all of Gaza," her father said.

From September to January, Asma's family had an average of 2-8 hours of blackouts each day, but in January, when the Palestinian Authority took over fuel transfers to Gaza from the EU, a shortage of funds and fuel lead to blackouts of 8-12 hours day.

"These power cuts exacerbate the already difficult living conditions in Gaza and disrupt almost all aspects of daily life, including household chores, health services, education and water and sanitation services," a special UN report on the electricity crisis in Gaza reported in May.
"I was just hoping for a better ending," Asma said, explaining that when the oil lamp was no longer an option she would use the light on her phone.

Her father, who works for the Ministry of Waqf (religious endowments) in Gaza, said he worried she would damage her eyes reading in such low light, with rolling power cuts spreading darkness over the Gaza Strip by 10 in the evening.

Her achievement is all the more impressive given the troubles plaguing the education system in Gaza. Statistics from the UN have shown that attendance and performance in public schools have declined as a result of aging education infrastructure, overcrowding, and frequent disruptions caused by military operations.

In the first semester of the 2007-2008 school year, only 20% of 16,000 sixth graders in Gaza passed standardized exams in Math, Science, English and Arabic, a study by Gaza's Ministry of Education found.

When Asma saw the result of the exams for which she had spent the year preparing, "I screamed, I cried, I laughed, I could not believe I had done it," she explained.

"She is a dedicated girl, she read all the time amidst a very difficult situation," her father explained, adding that he believed she was so determined to succeed because she wanted "a better future for herself, and a better future for Gaza."

This news was taken from Ma'an News Agency and it was published last Friday, 23rd July 2010.

She's just a girl, hunger for knowledge and education. And she did everything under her means just to study, even choosing to study using the light from her mobile phones when the electrical supply in Gaza was cut.

We have air-conditioners everywhere in the campus, electricity at our disposal, and a peaceful country (insyaAllah)to begin with, what more excuses can we give?

She knows that in any second from now, she might just be killed by the Zionists.
She knows that by walking out of her house to school, she's putting her own life in jeopardy, as Israel planes constantly made a "tour" up in the sky.
But still, she stay put and fought for her future.

And she was the BEST TAWJIHI STUDENT in Gaza.

Where are we when compared to her?

This post serves just as a reminder, for us to be grateful of what we have around us.
And actually, there really are lots of moral values we can pick from this story of a girl named Asma. It's up to us to see them or not. =)

-Because life is a test-

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Short One

Know you (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is the similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the heart of) the tillers; soon it withers; you will see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong).  And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of God). And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception?                                                                     (57:20)
Last Friday I was in Kuala Kangsar, Perak visiting my foster parents and the alma mater, MCKK for an academic talk with the Form Three students. But that is not what this post is about. It was the Friday preach that caught my attention, and it is highlighted here because err.. I hardly not sleep for it every Friday because well, like many other people too, I believe, it is difficult to stay awake and give attention in the middle of the day, which most likely to be very hot, and after a full-on morning with works and studies, leaving most of the Adam’s species exhausted- unless it is interesting on both the substance and speaker. Again, it is not an excuse. It is a description of human nature, that’s all. Nevertheless, ok, let’s go straight to the point now or Chieko will delete my post =P
Friday it is. A day that starts with letter ‘F.’ The preach by the ustaz (or Imam) touched on 5Fs that are used as formula by the Jewish Zionists in their protocol, to conquer the world. Sounds like an overstatement here, but oh, it is not a prediction, it is already happening. Yes, my friends, it is. They are conquering the world! But only those with an ‘extra’ eye will be able to see or feel it. And ok, cutting this short, the five Fs are Family, Fashion, Fun, Film and Food. Ya beda bedu... Sounds familiar? All the five things mentioned are inseparable with modern life nowadays. Forgive me, I am not going to explain on each of them because that would consume a lot of space, and time, be it of mine (to type) or even yours (to read). But the real reason is this, number one, because I cannot remember all, and number two, because this is the approach I usually use in my writings. I provide the essence, with a hope that it gives a little bit of an insight, if not motivation, for all of us, to do the rest of searching, and more importantly, truth seeking. Good luck!!
As a conclusion (hehe don’t give an F to this essay please), the fun, food, family, film and fashion that we care about today are being used as medium to mislead us from the correct teaching of Islam. The only way to get away from it, or prevent it, is to seek knowledge and ask for His Protection and Guidance, Allah the Almighty God. You know what will make a difference? Avoiding ignorance, and stay awake! Thank you.
The same post is put up here.
Take care and may Allah bless us all.
Remember how the Unbeleivers plotted against you, to keep you in bonds, or slay you, or get you out (of your home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.

Friday, July 9, 2010

maka lemaslah ia....

Ada satu cerita menarik penuh pengajaran. jom baca :)

"Seorang lelaki tua tinggal di satu kawasan pedalaman yang sering dilanda banjir. Pada suatu hari, banjir melanda secara tetiba dan air naik dengan sangat laju. Jiran terdekat lelaki tua itu berlari ke rumah lelaki tersebut lalu menasihatinya agar berpindah cepat ke tempat yang selamat.tetapi dia berkata, 'Aku berdoa kepada Tuhan agar aku diselamatkan, maka aku akan diselamatkan oleh Allah sendiri....Saudara boleh pergi...'

Setelah sejam, paras air terus meningkat sehingga orang tua itu terpaksa naik ke bumbung untuk menyelamatkan diri. Sekali lagi, seorang penyelamat datang dengan sebuah bot lalu memujuknya untuk naik dan berpindah ke tempat yang selamat. Namun, lelaki tersebut hanya melemparkan suatu senyuman lalu berkata jawapan yang sama.

Memandangkan paras air terus meningkat, maka mati la lelaki itu akibat kelemasan. Setelah mati, lelaki itu bertanya kepada Tuhan mengapa Dia tidak menyelamatkannya. Maka Dia menjawab dengan satu jawapan yang cukup ringkas, tetapi bukannya semua manusia pernah terfikir,

' AKU telah menghantar orang untuk memujukmu agar menyelamatkan dirimu, AKU telah tunjukkan jalan yang benar kepadamu dan AKU menberitahumu akibatnya melalui mulut-mulut utusan-utusanKU. Namun, pernahkah kau memikirkan bahawa AKU telah menghantarmu hikmah-hikmahKU?"

Lelaki itu sedari kesilapan dan kejahilannya, namun sudah terlewat.."

Kita? masih punya ruang, masih punya masa. Setiap masalah (baca: cabaran) yang dihadapi, biasanya ada diilhamkan jalan keluarnya. Cuma kita yang perlu 'bergerak'! Lakukan sesuatu. Perlu berkorban. Bukan hanya mengharap pada keajaiban semata-mata, tanpa usaha.

Islam..semestinya bukan untuk mereka yg hanya berangan-angan...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

La Tahzan

sebuah video untuk dikongsi bersama :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

malaikat kecil...


Assalamualaikum ya akhi wa ukhti!
Lama tak berkongsi di ruangan ni...
Kebetulan saya terbaca satu kisah menarik dalam blog seorang sahabat untuk dikongsi bersama.
Selamat membaca!
Moga kita sama-sama dapat mengaplikasikan apa-apa jua pengajaran yang dapat kita extract daripada cerpen di bawah~

and the story begins....

Pada setiap Jumaat, selepas selesai menunaikan solat Jumaat, seorang Imam dan anaknya yang berumur 7 tahun akan berjalan menyusuri jalan di kota itu dan menyebarkan risalah bertajuk "Jalan-jalan Syurga" dan beberapa karya Islamik yang lain.

Pada satu Jumaat yang indah, pada ketika Imam dan anaknya itu hendak keluar seperti biasa meghulurkan risalah-risalah Islam itu, hari itu menjadi amat dingin dan hujan mulai turun.

Anak kecil itu mula membetulkan jubahnya yang masih kering dan panas dan seraya berkata, "Ayah, saya dah bersedia."

Ayahnya terkejut dan berkata, "Bersedia untuk apa?"

"Ayah, bukankah ini masanya kita akan keluar menyampaikan risalah Allah?"

"Anakku, bukankah sejuk keadaan di luar tu dan hujan juga agak lebat?"

"Ayah, bukankah masih ada manusia yang akan masuk neraka walaupun ketika hujan turun?"

Ayahnya menambah, "Ayah tidak bersedia hendak keluar dalam keadaan cuaca sebegini."

Dengan merintih anaknya merayu, "Benarkan saya pergi ayah?"

Ayahnya berasa agak ragu-ragu namun menyerahkan risalah-risalah itu kepada anaknya, "Pergilah nak dan berhati-hatilah. Allah bersama-sama kamu!"

"Terima kasih Ayah."

Dengan wajah bersinar-sinar anaknya itu pergi meredah hujan dan susuk tubuh kecil itu hilang dalam kelebatan hujan itu.
Anak kecil itu pun menyerahkan risalah-risalah tersebut kepada sesiapa pun yang dijumpainya. Begitu juga dia akan mengetuk setiap rumah dan memberikan risalah itu kepada penghuninya.

Setelah dua jam, hanya tinggal satu saja risalah "Jalan-jalan Syurga" ada pada tangannya. Dia berasakan tanggungjawabnya tidak akan selesai jika masih ada risalah di tangannya. Dia berpusing-pusing ke sana dan ke mari mencari siapa yang akan diserahkan risalah terakhirnya itu namun gagal.

Akhirnya dia ternampak satu rumah yang agak terperosok di jalan itu dan mula mengatur langkah menghampiri rumah itu. Apabila sampai sahaja anak itu di rumah itu, lantas ditekannya loceng rumah itu sekali. Ditunggunya sebentar dan ditekan sekali lagi namun tiada jawapan. Diketuk pula pintu itu namun sekali lagi tiada jawapan. Ada sesuatu yang memegangnya daripada pergi, mungkin rumah inilah harapannya agar risalah ini diserahkan. Dia mengambil keputusan menekan loceng sekali lagi. Akhirnya pintu rumah itu dibuka.

Berdiri di depan pintu adalah seorang perempuan dalam lingkungan 50an. Mukanya suram dan sedih. "Nak, apa yang makcik boleh bantu?"

Wajahnya bersinar-sinar seolah-olah malaikat yang turun dari langit. "Makcik, maaf saya mengganggu, saya hanya ingin menyatakan yang ALLAH amat sayangkan makcik dan sentiasa memelihara makcik. Saya datang ini hanya hendak menyerahkan risalah akhir ini dan makcik adalah orang yang paling bertuah". Dia senyum dan tunduk hormat sebelum melangkah pergi.

"Terima kasih nak dan Tuhan akan melindungi kamu," dalam nada yang lembut.

Minggu berikutnya sebelum waktu solat Jumaat bermula, seperti biasa Imam memberikan ceramahnya. Sebelum selesai dia bertanya, "Ada sesiapa nak menyatakan sesuatu?"

Tiba-tiba sekujur tubuh bangun dengan perlahan dan berdiri. Dia adalah perempuan separuh umur itu. "Saya rasa tiada sesiapa dalam perhimpunan ini yang kenal saya. Saya tak pernah hadir ke majlis ini walaupun sekali. Untuk pengetahuan anda, sebelum Jumaat minggu lepas saya bukan seorang Muslim. Suami saya meninggal beberapa tahun lepas dan meninggalkan saya keseorangan dalam dunia ini." Air mata mulai bergenang di kelopak matanya.

"Pada Jumaat minggu lepas saya mengambil keputusan untuk membunuh diri. Jadi saya ambil kerusi dan tali. Saya letakkan kerusi di atas tangga menghadap anak tangga menuruni. Saya ikat hujung tali di galang atas dan hujung satu lagi diketatkan di leher. Apabila tiba saat saya untuk terjun, tiba-tiba loceng rumah saya berbunyi. Saya tunggu sebentar, pada anggapan saya, siapa pun yang menekan itu akan pergi jika tidak dijawab. Kemudian ia berbunyi lagi. Kemudian saya mendengar ketukan dan loceng ditekan sekali lagi."

"Saya bertanya sekali lagi. Belum pernah pun ada orang yang tekan loceng ini setelah sekian lama. Lantas saya melonggarkan tali di leher dan terus pergi ke pintu."

"Seumur hidup saya belum pernah saya melihat anak yang comel itu. Senyumannya benar-benar ikhlas dan suaranya seperti malaikat." "Makcik, maaf saya mengganggu, saya hanya ingin menyatakan yang ALLAH amat sayangkan makcik dan sentiasa memelihara makcik" itulah kata-kata yang paling indah yang saya dengar."

"Saya melihatnya pergi kembali menyusuri hujan. Saya kemudian menutup pintu dan terus baca risalah itu setiap muka surat. Akhirnya kerusi dan tali yang hampir-hampir menyentap nyawa saya diletakkan semula di tempat asal mereka. Aku tak perlukan itu lagi."

"Lihatlah, sekarang saya sudah menjadi seorang yang bahagia, yang menjadi hamba kepada Tuhan yang satu ALLAH. Di belakang risalah terdapat alamat ini dan itulah sebabnya saya di sini hari ini. Jika tidak disebabkan malaikat kecil yang datang pada hari itu, tentunya roh saya akan berada selama-lamanya di dalam neraka."

Tiada satu pun anak mata di masjid itu yang masih kering. Ramai pula yang berteriak dan bertakbir ALLAHUAKBAR!

Imam lantas turun dengan pantas dari mimbar lantas terus memeluk anaknya yang berada di kaki mimbar dan menangis sesungguh-sungguh hatinya.

Jumaat ini dikira Jumaat yang paling indah dalam hidupnya. Tiada anugerah yang amat besar dari apa yang dia ada pada hari ini. Iaitu anugerah yang sekarang berada di dalam pelukannya. Seorang anak yang seumpama malaikat.

Biarkanlah air mata itu menitis. Air mata itu anugerah ALLAH kepada makhlukNya yang penyayang.

The End~, apa pendapat kalian?
Subhanallah, terlalu banyak pengajaran yang saya dapat daripada kisah si kecil ini! Peribadinya yang indah, semangatnya yang membara dan keikhlasannya dalam melaksanakan tugas da'wah benar-benar saya kagumi. Semoga kita mampu mencontohi dia~

Oh ya, sekadar cadangan untuk manfaat bersama, sahabat-sahabat sangat dialu-alukan untuk menaip pengajaran-pengajaran yang diperoleh dalam ruangan komen di bawah,

because people view in different perspectives;
hence it's best if we can share them with each other.
Am I not right? =)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Love is Chenta

Assalamualaikum my dear brothers and sisters! Hope that our Iman is 'healthy' and in 'good shape' insyaAllah. Indeed, there is no success except in this deen

Familiar with the picture above?
Did you attend this superb talk?
Want to have the video recording of this sharing event?
Just go to the link below and have fun!

*the talk was delivered in Malay.
*if the link somehow stops working, do inform the moderator of this blog ya! =)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Message to muslim sisters

My dear sisters in Islam, I welcome you all with the best of greetings: As Salamu Alikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatu.

Wallahi my dear sisters in Islam, we should not overlook this blessing that Allah (SWT) has granted us with, this blessing of Islam is and should be the most precious thing in our life. Yes, the most important, Islam should be dearer to you than your own parents, Islam should be dearer to you than your own husband, and Islam should be dearer to you than your own child as this religion will guide you. It will give you success in all aspects of life; it will give you the respect you're looking for, it will give you the honour you're looking for and more importantly it will give you the guidance you need so that you may attain the everlasting bliss from the hereafter. Remember o sisters, remember your role in society, do not be little in your job in society, you are the mothers who look after the family, you are the one who show love and respect to its members, you are the first of the teachers of this Ummah, you are the soothers and carers of the men of this ummah, the success of this ummah lays upon your shoulders o sisters of Islam. Remember khadija, the first wife of prophet Muhammad (SAW), she was one of the greatest women that ever lived. In the early stages of the prophet hood of our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW), she protected him, she gave him finance, she cared for him, she comforted him and most importantly she believed in him. My dear sisters in Islam, as we look around in today's society, we notice that many sisters are being mislead, we notice that more and more sisters are living for this world and not for the hereafter, more and more sisters do not know who Allah (SWT) is, more and more sisters are leaving the prayers, more and more sisters are taking off the hijab and more and more sisters are being seen in nightclubs and pubs, dating men and having a good time. My dear sisters in Islam, we must wake up before it's too late, we must start changing and make Islam our priority in life, we must love Allah (SWT) than anything else in this world, we must stay focused on all this deception that is happening, we must remember the very reason of our existence as Allah (SWT) said in the Quran: I have not created the jinn nor mankind only, so that they worship Me, meaning Allah (SWT), my dear sisters in Islam, if you love diamonds and pearls, do not be deceived by this worldly treasures as the treasure in the hereafter is far greater, look at the sign of dead, as we speak someone dies and they will have eternal lives, will they live in the paradise and enjoys its bliss or will they suffer in the hellfire? And my final quote to you is: will you choose what is best for you or will you lose yourself in this life and in the hereafter.

Pictures at the end, taken from my Umrah, in Saudi Arabia

Lecturer: Sheikh Abu Ahmad

Monday, May 31, 2010

Please Pray For Them


By now, I guess everyone should have read the news on the Israeli's attack on the harmless, weaponless humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza. And I'm very sure everyone will feel tremendously disappointed, if not angry with this heart-breaking news. Hence, where do we go from here? The options we have are limited, we can't go there to fight them and our voices are unheard.

But remember, we still have our prayers. Pray hard to Allah, pray hard so that our brothers and sisters in the convoy,in Palestine and the whole world will win. Pray hard for Allah to revive the spirit of wanting to save Palestine in each of our hearts. And pray hard for the muslims, wherever we are in this world, to be awaken from our deep slumber,to come to realise our true purpose of life and to stay on the straight Path.

Alas, prayers go along with efforts. We can't expect to accomplish anything if we do nothing. It's time to live up to our status as muslims and prove to everyone who we really are. Improve our knowledge, strengthen our Iman, and rekindle the spirit of muslim brother(and sister)hood. Lastly, give the best in whatever we do, as that what muslims do.

Have Faith in Allah and in ourselves, insyaALLAH our journey will be easier


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hadith tentang Zaman

Sekadar ingin berkongsi sebuah hadith shahih yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad dan Baihaqi dari Nuâman bin Basyir dari Hudzaifah..

“Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:

Masa kenabian itu ada di tengah-tengah kalian, adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya.
Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah) , adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. 
Selanjutnya masa kerajaan yang menggigit (Mulkan ’Adhan), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. 
Setelah itu, masa kerajaan yang diktator (Mulkan Jabariyyan), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. 
Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah) . Kemudian beliau (Nabi) diam.”

1. Zaman Kenabian
2. Zaman Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah (Khulafa' Ar-Rasyidin)
3. Zaman Mulkan 'Adhan (Khilafah Bani Umayyah- Khilafah  Abbasiah- Khilafah Uthmania h)
4. Zaman Mulkan Jabarian (sekarang)
5. Zaman Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah (akan datang)


the Messenger of Allah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said:

"Prophethood (meaning Muhammad (SAW) himself) will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain, then Allah will raise it up whenever he wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood remaining with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, He will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a reign of violently oppressive [The reign of Muslim kings who are partially unjust] rule and it will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, there will be a reign of tyrannical rule and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, Allah will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Then, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood."

Musnad Ahmed

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